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Getting Your Working Papers

Getting Your Working Papers

School officials issue all NYS working papers, except for child performer permits.

  • If you are in school, go to your guidance office and ask for a Working Papers Application. Or, you can DOWNLOAD THE WORKING PAPERS APPLICATION HERE. The application consists of 2 forms (AT 16 and AT 17) that need to be completed, signed and returned.
  • If you are not in school, go to the nearest school district as they are required to give you the application.
  • During school vacation periods, these offices stay open part-time to issue working papers.


  1. Fill out Part I of the application and have your parent or guardian sign it (Form AT 16).  Form AT 17 needs to be completed by your Physician’s office.  If you’ve had a physical in the past year they may sign without scheduling a new visit. This is, however, at the physician’s discretion, they may require a physical be conducted.
  2. When you have the completed and signed application forms, please bring them back to the school's guidance office. (Note: If you have dropped out of school, to get a full-time employment certificate, your parent or guardian must come with you to give consent in person at the issuing office).
  3. Your employer must keep Student Non-FactoryStudent GeneralFull-Time, and Limited Employment certificates on file at the workplace, as long as you keep the job.
  4. You must keep your Farm Work Permits, Model Permits, Newspaper Carrier Permits, and Street Trade Permits in your possession at all times.